Abstract Summary
The city of Amsterdam has big ambitions on the reduction of CO2-emissions. Plans to reduce the emissions of traffic are important to reach these ambitions. So far, Amsterdam made use of data of the national Emissieregistratie database to monitor the local CO2-emissions of traffic. These data are based on a nationale traffic models and can't be used to see the effects of local policies to reduce the emissions of traffic. Therefore, Amsterdam implemented a new method that gives actual data based on local sources. The calculations have been performed by TNO. The method is based on the local traffic model, indices for the traffic volume based on the traffic lights database, data from a huge number of ANPR cameras and national emission factors by TNO. By using this method, it is possible to yearly monitor the realised reduction of CO2-emissions of traffic in Amsterdam. The method can be improved by using information on stagnation factors of traffic. We're looking forward to ideas of the public on this question.