Event info

Reinventing Cities 2022 | Sustainable Urban Transformation

The conference is organized by AMS Institute in collaboration with the City of Amsterdam. Together, we will create a center stage for urban innovation to engage and gear up all stakeholders involved to jointly reinvent cities.

When | 16-18 FEBRUARY 2022
Where | The event is hosted at AMS Institute, Marineterrein Amsterdam. Because of current covid-related restrictions, we anticipate this event will be mostly online.
Live stream | This event will be hybrid, parts of the event will be streamed online.
For who | scientists, policymakers, students and industry partners

Conference fees

Online  3-day ticket 40 EUR
Online for students 3 day ticket 20 EUR

MSc MADE students can find their discount code on Brightspace.

Because of current covid-related restrictions, we anticipate this event will be mostly online. Should it become possible to organise parts of the event hybrid or live, possibilities for add-on tickets will be communicated.

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