Nomad MAnagement of Urban Development: The value of temporary communities

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Abstract Summary
The research “NOMAD - Nomad MAnagement of Urban Development: The value of temporary communities” intends to explore the effects of temporary uses and the role of urban nomads in urban regeneration. Urban nomads are users who inhabit vacant spaces for a short period of time and eventually have to change residences. In virtuous cases, temporary use contributes to lengthening the use-cycle of real estate in a circular way, improves street safety and the neighbourhood atmosphere, produces intangible values, and can also lead to increased housing prices. But although temporary communities can be seen as spontaneously sustainable practices and generate urban values, yet the values produced do not seem evident. NOMAD aims to identify and enhance the processes of community-oriented temporary uses. This contribution presents the hybrid methodology proposed to estimate the impacts of such experiences. Qualitative data (audio, video, images) and quantitative data (statistic data, real estate values) of the case studies will be spatialised and analysed. Based hereupon, multi-criteria and multi-group evaluations of the temporary uses will allow interpreting the value of temporary communities for urban regeneration, considering both narrative and statistic data. Mapping and a catalogue of nomadic practices and opportunities for temporary management alternatives are the outputs. These will support the second stage co-design of temporary business models. With the interdisciplinary methodology and the outputs, we aim to constitute a decision-support system for urban stakeholders to temporarily reactivate unused spaces with a collaborative approach.
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Department of Acrhitecture - Federico II University of Naples
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