Abstract Summary
Household investment decisions regarding energy-efficiency measures, such as insulation, heating system renewal, or solar panel installation, have an untapped potential for reducing global energy consumption and carbon emissions. The literature has shown a growing number of studies on energy-related decision-making of households that mainly depend on their socio-economic and technical features. However, these features differ from place to place and cannot be equally important in all areas or contexts. The recent studies on the Netherlands highlight the importance of household's ownership status, education and income levels, type of the house, and spatial features among others. However, there are still no studies on the Dutch local level (i.e., city) that would demonstrate area-/context-based differences that affect energy-related household decisions. This study aims to investigate what features of households in Amsterdam affect their energy-related investment decisions. The empirical analysis will be based on the descriptive analysis and the estimation of logistic regression models using the data from the Dutch Housing Survey (WoON 2018). The results will contribute to gaining an insight for policymakers in guiding the local energy transition in Amsterdam.