Special Sessions Virtual Room
Feb 16, 2022 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM(Europe/Amsterdam)
20220216T1530 20220216T1700 Europe/Amsterdam On-demand services and public transport networks – the prospects of synergy

On-demand services, in which a fleet of vehicles is coordinated online to serve an emerging demand that is not known beforehand, can have a great potential in providing good quality of service and efficient operations. By integrating the on-demand services into the public transport systems, these services can obtain synergetic effects. In other words, by providing not only traditional fixed-routes lines but also offering vehicles with flexible routes when, this increases the overall efficiency of the system. 

Designing such an integrated system entails several methodological and operational challenges, such as how to design the routes of both sub-systems, which fleets to offer, where to provide the flexible services, and how to deal with the transfers. In this session, we will discuss some recent works and experiences in this realm, with the presentations of renowned researchers and practitioners that have studied different approaches to adapt public transport networks and leverage the potential of new technologies.

Source: Huang, Y., Kockelman, K. M., Garikapati, V., Zhu, L., & Young, S. (2021). Use of shared automated vehicles for first-mile last-mile service: micro-simulation of rail-transit connections in Austin, Texas. Transportation Research Record, 2675(2), 135-149.

Virtual Room Reinventing the City events@ams-institute.org
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On-demand services, in which a fleet of vehicles is coordinated online to serve an emerging demand that is not known beforehand, can have a great potential in providing good quality of service and efficient operations. By integrating the on-demand services into the public transport systems, these services can obtain synergetic effects. In other words, by providing not only traditional fixed-routes lines but also offering vehicles with flexible routes when, this increases the overall efficiency of the system. 

Designing such an integrated system entails several methodological and operational challenges, such as how to design the routes of both sub-systems, which fleets to offer, where to provide the flexible services, and how to deal with the transfers. In this session, we will discuss some recent works and experiences in this realm, with the presentations of renowned researchers and practitioners that have studied different approaches to adapt public transport networks and leverage the potential of new technologies.

Source: Huang, Y., Kockelman, K. M., Garikapati, V., Zhu, L., & Young, S. (2021). Use of shared automated vehicles for first-mile last-mile service: micro-simulation of rail-transit connections in Austin, Texas. Transportation Research Record, 2675(2), 135-149.

Univ of Texas at Austin
Georgia Institute of Technology
The Routing Company
Uber Transit
Radboud University (PhD researcher)
 Frimpong Nyarko
Wageningen Univeristy & Research
First advisor of Innovation
Municipality of Amsterdam
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